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Collected by Karson Grace Otero **Aries (March 21 – April 19):** This year, Aries, you’re poised for significant personal growth and achievement. Embrace your natural

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Faculty Follies

By Reindy F Sanon Here at Carteret High School, we like to have a little fun with our Teachers and Staff. The CHS Drama Department presented

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CHS Marks Black History Month

By: Anisah Brown Carteret High School marked Black History Month 2024  with celebrating black historical figures and other activities to make the one month event

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Letters For Rose

By: Daiancy Aquino Letters for Rose. What is it? Who’s Rose? Letters for Rose is a non-profit organization Founded during the COVID-19 pandemic that aims

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Anne Drew Scott

By: Reindy F Sanon The beloved Newspaper Club here at CHS was named after Mrs. Anne Scott. But, have you ever wondered, Who was she?

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Sports Fact

By Mariana Cepeda-Morel Did you know that in 1891 basketball was invented by James Naismith? He also made it so you couldn’t dribble the ball,

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Ask Anne Scott

By Mariana Cepeda-Morel Dear Anne Scott,  I’m a freshman at CHS, and I am so overwhelmed with school! Do you have any tips to help

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Holiday Recipes

By: Alicia Rivera Mendonca What is the best part of the holidays? Specifically thanksgiving….it’s FOOD! Some people celebrate with different food choices and with family

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Opening of Debate Club

By: Nafisa Tabassum, Tasnia Nabila, Jovana Ulysse The Debate Club started up around a month ago, it was in the works since the end of

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