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Collected by Karson Grace Otero **Aries (March 21 – April 19):** This year, Aries, you’re poised for significant personal growth and achievement. Embrace your natural

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Faculty Follies

By Reindy F Sanon Here at Carteret High School, we like to have a little fun with our Teachers and Staff. The CHS Drama Department presented

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CHS Marks Black History Month

By: Anisah Brown Carteret High School marked Black History Month 2024  with celebrating black historical figures and other activities to make the one month event

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Letters For Rose

By: Daiancy Aquino Letters for Rose. What is it? Who’s Rose? Letters for Rose is a non-profit organization Founded during the COVID-19 pandemic that aims

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Most Played Video Games In CHS

Handpicked Content

Here at CHS there are a multitude of people who love to play games online, whether it be by console, PC, or even mobile.

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Holiday Recipes

Prepared for the holidays 2024

What is the best part of the holidays? Specifically thanksgiving….it’s FOOD!

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Opening of Debate Club

Debating NOW!

The Debate Club started up around a month ago, it was in the works since the end of last year.

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Carteret 37 J.P. Stevens 0 | Week Zero Football Highlights

Carteret 37 J.P. Stevens 0 | Week Zero Football Highlights

Sep 13, 2021 | 3:07

2023 Carteret High School JAG NJ Winning Video

Carteret High School community shaves heads to support classmate


2023 Carteret High School JAG NJ Winning Video

May 24, 2023 | 2:59

Carteret 37 J.P. Stevens 0 | Week Zero Football Highlights

2023 Carteret High School JAG NJ Winning Video

Carteret High School community shaves heads to support classmate


Carteret High School community shaves heads to support classmate

Mar 11, 2022 | 0:47

Carteret High School community shaves heads to support classmate

2023 Carteret High School JAG NJ Winning Video

Carteret 37 J.P. Stevens 0 | Week Zero Football Highlights




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