Drama Club Presents “Whodunit… and to whom?”
By Naysha Rivas As usual, the Drama Club shows just how well of a show they can put on. Previously known for doing Puffs and Pippin, “Whodunit… and to whom” was performed by the Carteret High School Drama Club on November 16 and 17, 2023. It was great and the ending confused audiences. Anne Scott […]
The Club That Is Sharing Beauty……..Literally
By Anisah Brown Braiding is an art that can be traced back to many years ago.From french braids to cornrows, there are countless types of braiding and specific ways of making them. Braiding Beauty is an after school program hosted at Pathways to school students on the beautiful arts of braiding. Formed last school year, […]
Opening of Debate Club
By: Nafisa Tabassum, Tasnia Nabila, Jovana Ulysse The Debate Club started up around a month ago, it was in the works since the end of last year. After finally getting permission to start the debate club, we got to work on getting it ready for this school year. The first week of the Debate Club […]